Validation State Values

There are two distinct structures present in vuelidate:

  • validations component option - the definition of your validation
  • v$ structure - an object in the Vue VM, that holds the validation state

The Validation state defines a set of properties which hold the output of user defined validation functions, following the provided validations property structure. The presence of those special reserved keywords means that you cannot specify your own validators with that name.


  • Type: Boolean

  • Details:

    Indicates the state of validation for given model becomes true when any of its child validators specified in options returns a falsy value.


  • Type: Boolean

  • Details:

    A flag representing if the field under validation was touched by the user at least once. Usually it is used to decide if the message is supposed to be displayed to the end user. You can manage this flag manually by using $touch and $reset methods. It is set automatically when writing to $model value. The $dirty flag is considered true if given model was $touched or all of its children are $dirty.


  • Type: Boolean

  • Details:

    A flag very similar to $dirty, with one exception. The $anyDirty flag is considered true if given model was $touched or any of its children are $anyDirty which means at least one descendant is $dirty.


  • Type: any

  • Details:

    A reference to the original validated model. Reading this value will always give you exactly the same value as if you referenced the model directly. That means this.v$.value.$model is equivalent to this.value when read. Writing to that value will update the model and invoke $touch method automatically. This is very useful to use as v-model payload, providing a way of automatically marking given field as $dirty on first touch. Pairs well with .lazy modifier.


  • Type: Boolean

  • Details:

    Convenience flag to easily decide if a message should be displayed. Equivalent to this.$dirty && !this.$pending && this.$invalid.


  • Type: Array

  • Details:

    Collection of all the error messages, collected for all child properties and nested forms (Vue components). Only contains errors from properties where $dirty equals true.


  • Type: Array

  • Details:

    Collection of all the error messages, collected for all child properties and nested forms (Vue components).


  • Type: Boolean

  • Details:

    Indicates if any child async validator is currently pending. Always false if all validators are synchronous.


  • Type: Object

  • Details:

    Contains types and parameters of all provided validators at the current level, as well as types and parameters of child validation groups, which may be declared using withParams. Useful as an input to your error rendering system. Safe to use in translated text.


  • Type: Boolean | Object | Null

  • Default: null

  • Details:

    Contains the response and rejections of a validator.


  • Type: String

  • Details:

    A dot notation nested path, of the current form leaf.